Mediation Philosophy
Over the last 30 years, my professional life has been dedicated to litigation and conflict management. I appreciate the value of both litigation and arbitration in certain cases, but also believe that in appropriate circumstances, mediation is a more efficient, less expensive, and less risky process for the resolution of disputes. As a skillful mediator I will not only facilitate communication between disputants, but will also explore with them creative and smart solutions that represent a win-win outcome, which is not often possible in either the courtroom or arbitration tribunal.
I am a pro-active mediator. I urge parties to prioritize their issues, and I often assist them in formulating and packaging proposals, however, I will not provide any legal service or legal advice. I view my role as one of encouraging parties to constantly rethink their positions, realistically assess the risk of failure, develop shared goals with their adversaries, and put aside personal antagonisms that impede settlement. In addition, I attempt to clarify misunderstandings, explore new areas of discussion, be sensitive to unspoken issues and relationships that may affect negotiations, and manage the pace of the discussions and timing of proposals.
My clients often say that I am tenacious. That is true. The goal of a mediator is to act as a catalyst to facilitate the development of a solution in which the parties involved take ownership and responsibility for its successful implementation, identifying and appreciating the positions and hidden agenda as expressed by the parties. All of these elements are critical components that build consensus.
Mediation Fees: $400.00 an hour
Retainer: $500.00
Contact me for more information